Celebrations and Core Learning Experiences


“An education capable of saving humanity is no small undertaking; it involves the spiritual development of man, the enhancement of his value as an individual, and the preparation of young people to understand the times in which they live.”

Maria Montessori


At Rawmarsh Nursery School we know that our children will grow into young people and adults who will be responsible for caring for the world in which they live and the people they live alongside in it.  To this end our curriculum has been built to ensure that we provide lots of opportunities for children to learn to recognise similarities and differences between themselves and others and to care for the natural world.


Caring for nature

Children are immersed in nature in our glorious garden and we expect them to care for the plants and flowers in the same way as we do with our classroom.  This is further enhanced as we care for different creatures throughout the year, including watching tadpoles hatch from frogspawn and turn into frogs, hatching butterflies and keeping eggs warm in the incubator so that they hatch into chicks.   Children learn how to handle these creatures carefully and about providing the correct habitat for these creatures.

We have an annual visit from the farm so that children are able to find out about looking after larger creatures and why that is important too.


Caring for the community

Our children learn about the different roles that people have in the community and the importance of respecting these. 

We have had visits from the local librarian, hairdresser, nurse, fire service, oral health expert, florist, sculptress, senior citizens, Salvation Army musicians and Support Dogs.


Festivals and celebrations

Our children all come from different family types, religions and homes and we teach our children that we might have some things in common but that it is okay to have differences too.  Whilst much of this teaching is delivered through our day-to-day teaching e.g. helping your friend to put on their coat, we also teach children about the different festivals and celebrations that take place in different cultures and religions.  Here are just some of the celebrations in our setting:

·         Chinese New Year

·         Shrove Tuesday

·         Easter

·         Vaisakhi

·         Eid

·         Diwali

·         Christmas

We also share in one another’s individual celebrations such as the arrival of a new brother or sister, a birthday or getting a duckling award from swimming.
