It is very important that our Nursery School and 2-3's works in positive partnership with parents and carers, as the most significant people in their child’s life. They are your child’s first and most enduring educators. We therefore need your help to build on the foundations you have laid at home in order to help your child to achieve success in their education and reach their full potential as modern, productive and caring citizens in our local and wider community.
We operate an open door policy, which means that parents are welcome at any time if they have concerns about any aspect of your child’s time with us. We have a key person system, which means that each family is allocated a named member of staff who will get to know them well and build a strong relationship with them and their child.
We regularly consult our parents in the form of a Parents Satisfaction Survey.
Stay and play days
It is really important to us to share your child's learning with you and so with that in mind we hold regular curriculum 'Stay and Play' days. These days enable you to join us in F1 and 2-3s to try out some of the teaching activities that we do with your child and talk to the teaching teams about why we do the things that we do. We hope you will be able to take away some ideas on how to support your child's learning at home.
Key person meetings
During the Autumn and Spring term you will have the opportunity to meet with your key person to discuss your child's progress in nursery. You will be able to look through their learning journey and ask any questions you may have. Your key person will share your child's targets and give you ideas of how to support them at home.
In F1 your child will receive a personalised report about your child during the Summer term.
It gives us an opportunity to learn more about you and your child and build the relationships between home and nursery that enable your child to thrive.
Early Words Together - Parent/carer group
(Together with the National Literacy Trust)
In the Spring term we have a parent/carer series of play days called Early Words Together. Once a week for five weeks you and your child can join our play days to give you ideas of ways to support your child's early reading skills at home.
Keeping in Touch
Text service
Our texting service which helps us to remind you of any important dates and events such as parent meetings, closure days etc. Please make sure you let us know if you change your mobile number so you don't miss any messages.
We want to hear from you so we have a suggestion box on the main corridor near reception. Please tells us what you think, good or bad, as we take your feedback very seriously. Thank you.
A newsletter is published each term that will give you dates and times of up and coming events as well as sharing general news about the centre as a whole.
Notice Boards
The parent and carer’s notice boards are just outside the nursery and will provide you with further information.