It is very important that our Nursery School and 2-3's works in positive partnership with parents and carers, as the most significant people in their child’s life. They are your child’s first and most enduring educators. We therefore need your help to build on the foundations you have laid at home in order to help your child to achieve success in their education and reach their full potential as modern, productive and caring citizens in our local and wider community.
We operate an open door policy, which means that parents are welcome at any time if they have concerns about any aspect of your child’s time with us. We have a key person system, which means that each family is allocated a named member of staff who will get to know them well and build a strong relationship with them and their child.
We regularly consult our parents in the form of a Parents Satisfaction Survey.
It is very important that our Nursery School and 2-3's works in positive partnership with parents and carers, as the most significant people in their child’s life. They are your child’s first and most enduring educators. We therefore need your help to build on the foundations you have laid at home in order to help your child to achieve success in their education and reach their full potential as modern, productive and caring citizens in our local and wider community.
We operate an open door policy, which means that parents are welcome at any time if they have concerns about any aspect of your child’s time with us. We have a key person system, which means that each family is allocated a named member of staff who will get to know them well and build a strong relationship with them and their child.
We regularly consult our parents in the form of a Parents Satisfaction Survey.